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Research Papers


  • (in preparation) Bae, S.J., Wang, K., … & Song, M. The modification of microbiome on preventive effect of omega 3 on systemic inflammation in Men’s Life Validation Study. Gastroenterology
  • (Submitted) Bae, S.J, … & Park, H.J. The gut microbiome and acupuncture: A systematic review.
  • Bae, S. J., Ji, J. Y., Oh, J. Y., Won, J., Ryu, Y. H., Lee, H., … & Park, H. J. (2021). The Role of Skin Mast Cells in Acupuncture Induced Analgesia in Animals: A Preclinical Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. The Journal of Pain, 22(12), 1560-1577.
  • Kim, T. H., Bae, S. J., Kim, D. H., & Kang, J. W. (2020). Teaching Clinical Trials in Korean Medicine: Novel Modules and Student Perceptions of Importance and Achievement. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 26(1), 72-73.
  • Bae, S. J., Lim, J., Lee, S., Choi, H., Jang, J. H., Kim, Y. K., … & Park, H. J. (2019). Augmented mechanical forces of the surface-modified nanoporous acupuncture needles elicit enhanced analgesic effects. Frontiers in neuroscience, 13, 652.
  • Jang, J. H., Park, J. Y., Oh, J. Y., Bae, S. J., Jang, H., Jeon, S., … & Park, H. J. (2018). Novel analgesic effects of melanin-concentrating hormone on persistent neuropathic and inflammatory pain in mice. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-17.
  • Ji, J., Bae, S. J., Oh, J. Y., Jung, H. S., & Park, H. J. (2020). The Association between Mast Cell Distribution and Acupoint Specificity: A Comprehensive Review. Korean Journal of Acupuncture, 37(3), 145-158. [Article in Korean]


  • [Protocol] Bae, S. J., Jang, Y., Kim, Y., Park, J.H., Jang, J.H., Oh, J. Y., Jang., S.Y., Ahn, S., & Park, H. J. Protocol of the effect of acupoint treatment on gut microbiota: Systematic review of clinical and preclinical studies. PROSPERO CRD42022337306 (2022)
  • [Translation] Mescher, Anthony. “Basic Histology. 15e” Korean Translation Committee, Bum-moon education (2021).
  • [Protocol] Bae, S. J., Ji, J., Oh, J. Y., Jung, H.S., Lee, H., Park, H.J., The Role of Skin Mast Cells in Acupuncture Induced Analgesia in Animals: A Preclinical Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. SYRCLE (2020)


  • (Submitted) Bae, S., Wang, K., Bater, J., Ma, W., Rimm E.B., Garrett, W.S., Sun, Q., Chan, A.T., Huttenhower, C., Song, M., (submitted) Marine omega-3 fatty acid intake, the gut microbiome, and their interaction with chronic systemic inflammation in a cohort of adult men. Digestive Disease Week (2023)
  • (Oral presentation, invited) Bae, S. J., Park, H.J., The Skin Mast Cells in Acupuncture Induced analgesia, with machine learning synthesis. Annual Conference of The Society of Korean Medicine (2021)
  • (Oral presentation) Bae, S. J., Lee, T.H., Efficacy of Mono or Combination Administration of Herbal Medicine for the Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy: Systemic Review and Meta-analysis (2020)
  • (Poster presentation) Bae, S. J., The Skin Mast Cells in Acupuncture Induced analgesia. Korean Journal of Acupuncture (2019)
  • (Poster presentation) Bae, S. J., Lim, J., Lee, S., Choi, H., Jang, J. H., Kim, Y. K., … & Park, H. J. Augmented Mechanical Forces of the Surface-Modified Nanoporous Acupuncture Needles Elicit Enhanced Analgesic Effects. Conference of European Pain Federation (2017)
  • (Poster presentation) Bae, S. J., Yoon, S.Y, A Study on the Restoration of Buried Avian Flue Infected Animals’ Leachate using Microbiome The Korean Society For The Gifted (2015)
  • (Poster presentation) Lee, J.Y., Bae, S. J., A study on the antifungal effect and cytotoxicity of ramie leaf and golden extract on A.niger. The Korean Society For The Gifted (2014)